Florida drives toward a stronger energy future with DeSantis’ electric bus buy
Florida drives toward a stronger energy future with DeSantis’ electric bus buy

Florida is leading the charge in electric vehicles — and our residents and economy are better off because of it.

Florida drives toward a stronger energy future with DeSantis’ electric bus buy
Florida drives toward a stronger energy future with DeSantis’ electric bus buy

Currently, ours is the #1 EV state in the Southeast, with a 53% increase in EV sales and a 54% increase in EV charging stations over the past year. This is good news for Floridians, because every gas car traded in for an electric car means a cheaper, newer and cleaner car on the road.

Realizing the great benefits of electric vehicles, Gov. Ron DeSantis recently donated more than $68 million to get 227 electric buses across the state. This comes after the approval of 200 new electric school buses will continue to benefit our students and the school district. Each of these forward-thinking steps brings us closer to improving our transportation infrastructure and reducing emissions.

It is clear that this shift in consumer mobility to electric vehicles will continue to benefit our residents and visitors in many ways. For example, electrification of transportation reduces our dangerous reliance on expensive fossil fuels, especially when fuel prices can fluctuate dramatically based on factors we cannot predict or control.

Not only do electric cars help keep the family budget in check, they also make our communities more independent and safer. All of these actions are part of an important step toward a clean energy future in Florida, and our state is fortunate to have a Governor who is spearheading these new advancements.

DeSantis’ drive to promote clean energy policy while protecting the wallets of Florida families from unexpected energy bills should be celebrated. Last year, the governor killed a controversial legislative proposal that would have promoted a key consumer policy called net solar metering. His strong actions have helped ensure that Florida families who choose to invest in space can reap the full benefits of the energy they generate.

George Riley
George Riley

Although rooftop solar still represents only a small portion of the energy available in our state, it is clear that consumers want to see more of it. Last year, we saw a 45% increase in the number of new solar connections. As wages continue to rise, I expect to see even more families making this choice.

New funding sources at the federal level can be used to promote the need for clean energy by encouraging investment in solar energy and encouraging community support for electric vehicles. Overall, one thing is clear: clean energy will continue to play a bigger role in Florida’s future, from more electric cars on our roads to electric panels on our roofs.

To build on this momentum, we must follow the Governor’s lead and continue to invest in opportunities that save families, grow our economy and create healthier communities.

Read Also: Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg pitches electric vehicles to Texans

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Hi, I am Yunus, founder of InfoEVs. I am a Blogger and Digital Marketer by profession and a vehicle lover. I like to ride and read, and write about vehicles.


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