About us


My name is Yunus Rahman. I am a Blogger and Digital Marketer by profession and a vehicle lover. I like to ride and read and write about vehicles.

InfoEVs not only distribute the most up-to-date information about electric cars, but also break them down, advertise them, and, most importantly, control how and why they are.

InfoEVs you will get in detailed information about two-wheelers and four-wheeler electric vehicles, The majority of the information published here on this website is taken from trusted sources and hence can be relied upon.

I welcome your in-valuable suggestion if any in order to take this website close to perfection. I will keep you posted about each and every aspect, trend, and news related to Electric Vehicles (EVs). I just need your love and support to carry on with my work.

I was expecting you to visit InfoEVs again.

Full NameYunus Rahman
Contact Us[email protected]
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About Founder

Hey, Let me introduce myself quickly, I am Yunus Rahman. I am doing a Diploma in Engineering in Computer Science from University Polytechnic Jamia Millia Islamia (New Delhi), By profession, I am a part-time blogger, affiliate marketer, and entrepreneur. I have been interested in subjects like mobile, social media, and the internet, and I spend most of my time on that.

No revenue, no traffic, no business. None of that mattered.

Thanking You,

Money is not the end Goal

I do not aim to earn money from this blogging only through Google Adsense, Affiliate Program, or Sponsorship. I like to write articles, and I like to know and share trending topics (EVs) and Electric Vehicles-related information with people. It also gives me pleasure, so I will continue to do this in the future.